Friday, December 2, 2011

SMART Board Systems for Education

This video I found on is about the use of Smart Boards in education. Most people have heard of Star and Smart Boards, but I wanted to post this video for people who have not seen them in action. There are endless possibilities when using Smart Boards. Children want to interact with this technology, and it definitely makes learning interesting for students.  As a future teacher, I know that I would love to be able to have a smart board in my classroom. Enjoy this video!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Funny Computers in School Cartoon

I saw this cartoon and had to post it. Technology is all around us in today's world and we are forced to use it even if we do not want to some times. In education it can be used to enhance your lesson, especially since most students use technology in their everyday lives.  I thought this cartoon was funny,  and related to class. So, go ahead and chuckle, or at least smile.

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is a different use way to use technology in the classroom. It allows students to be creative, and have fun while they learn. recently had the opportunity to create a digital story in my Instructional Technology for K-12 teachers class. I really enjoyed making a digital story myself, and could see how the students would love to be able to create one as well. You are able to add pictures and record your voice as the photos play.  By doing this you are creating a story, and learning at thee same time. Being able to incorporate technology like digital storytelling makes learning more exciting. It is definitely better then simply reading the assigned chapter and going the review questions at the end of the book.

I found a video on You Tube of a history teacher who did not have much of a background in technology, but learned to love it once she discovered digital storytelling.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Technology in the Classroom: Statistics

Technology is all around us, and students of the 21st century can really relate to the use of it in their classroom. Ron Houtman wrote an article entitled; Technology in the classroom – thoughts on the 2011 CDW-G Classroom Report. In this article he has some astonishing statistics. Houtman states, "94% of students believe that mastering and learning technology will help their educational and career opportunities, however, 39% of students indicate that the technology integration is meeting their expectations." You think that if 94% of student’s thing the technology would help them further their educational career and opportunities more teachers would be providing students with this tool in their lessons. Later on in the article he states "74% of faculty and 70% of IT staff think they understand how students want to use technology as a learning tool, however 49% of students agree, and 30% of the students say that their school seeks any input on the types of technology that they might wish to use in their classroom." All of these statistics do no match up, and I think that teachers need to know their student better. If teachers know what their students except, they combine their own expectations to make everyone happy.

Technophobes Teacher

There are many teachers who do not want to be bothered with the use of technology in their classroom. I personally know teachers who have retired earlier then they wanted to, because they did not want to use technology in the classroom. Yes, technology can be overwhelming to many people, but if these teachers would go to visual literacy conferences they would be more comfortable. There are so many classes to take on being able to better understand technology in a classroom. I came across a Blog entry titled Extinction Looms of Technophobes. In this blog the author talks about how teachers are going to be forced to retire early if they do not start using technology. The blog was posted November 13, 2010 when the iPad was released. The author talks about how iPad's can be used to hold textbooks, and also incorporate games and activities on one device. He also compares the iPad to a comet and the extinction of dinosaurs with the extinction of technophobe teachers. From what I have seen in classrooms today most old school teachers are afraid of all the new technology and are retiring. If they only knew how helpful it could be.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a great tool that we can use thanks to technology. Some schools can not afford to take their students on class trips. There are many free virtual tours where students can go on a computer and click and explore many different parts of a place they may not be able to go to. For example; you can take a virtual tour of the Supreme Court, and clock on different little icons they have set up to see more details that you would see if you were really there. (

Katheryn Rivas wrote on her blog about 100 Incredible and educational virtual tours you do not want to miss. She list many different places that you could show your students if you were doing a lesson that relates to the virtual tours offered. There are so many virtual tours int he world you just need to find them. Could you imagine being able to show your students Pompeii, Italy in your classroom in New Jersey! It is an amazing tool!

Below is a picture that shows you what the White House looks like. There are virtual tours that show you what the White House looks like just like this picture does.

100 Incredible and Educational Virtual Tours You Do Not Want to Miss.

Classroom Management: Faronics

I found a really interesting video on YouTube about a program called Faronics. This program allows teachers to manage their classroom by being able to see what all their students are doing on the computers at all times, mute, chat, lock,  block sites, vote and have control of students computers. You can show students a particular students computer if you want, or show all students your screen. This program is amazing, because if prevents students from getting off task. I know I would not be checking my e-mail or Facebook if I knew my teacher could see my computer screen on their computer. A lot of students do not pay attention when their teachers are telling them something they should be doing. If they knew their teacher had complete access to what they were doing; I think that students would would stay on task. Also, being able to vote is a pretty interesting feature this program offers. You can ask your class if everyone understood the lesson and everyone can click on yes or no and you can see the results. The opportunities are countless. In the video below they tell you a lot of different things the program can do. Check it out, it is really interesting. As a future teacher I know I would like to have this tool in my classroom.