Friday, November 11, 2011

Classroom Management: Faronics

I found a really interesting video on YouTube about a program called Faronics. This program allows teachers to manage their classroom by being able to see what all their students are doing on the computers at all times, mute, chat, lock,  block sites, vote and have control of students computers. You can show students a particular students computer if you want, or show all students your screen. This program is amazing, because if prevents students from getting off task. I know I would not be checking my e-mail or Facebook if I knew my teacher could see my computer screen on their computer. A lot of students do not pay attention when their teachers are telling them something they should be doing. If they knew their teacher had complete access to what they were doing; I think that students would would stay on task. Also, being able to vote is a pretty interesting feature this program offers. You can ask your class if everyone understood the lesson and everyone can click on yes or no and you can see the results. The opportunities are countless. In the video below they tell you a lot of different things the program can do. Check it out, it is really interesting. As a future teacher I know I would like to have this tool in my classroom.

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